Medical examination for foreigners

In order for a foreigner to be granted a temporary residence permit in the Slovak Republic, a medical examination certificate must be submitted to the Police department for foreigners, confirming that the person concerned does not suffer from a disease which might be a risk to public health.

The medical certificate must not be older than 30 days, and can only be obtained in selected Slovak healthcare facilities.

The medical examination for foreigners applying for temporary residence in the Slovak Reublic is carried out by the Ambulancia pre cudzokrajné choroby [Outpatient Clinic for Tropical Diseases] which can be found in the Klinika infektológie a cestovnej medicíny [Clinic of Infectology and Travel Medicine] of the University Hospital Martin (pavilion no. 5).

The opening hours for the Outpatient Clinic for Tropical Diseases are on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 7 to 11.

The medical examination need to be ordered click the button Objednať vyšetrenie on the sidebar.

We ask applicants to write emails in Slovak where possible.

For the medical examination, the applicant will undergo a blood test, chest X-ray and anal swab. The results of the examination are available within one week.